Why Japanese break down parking MSs?
Why Japanese players often break down parking MSs?
This is a local rule but almost same as official rules in UCGO.
Derelict MSs are discarded on a regular basis.
- Discarded MSs (also, tank, airplane, automobile,etc) and weapons make graphical performance heavy (especially for low spec PCs).
- Discarded MSs and weapons damage scenery.
We would appreciate if you could agree with following proposal.
(This is kinda a bail-out measure for low spec PC players.)
- “Please don’t fly-tip MSs and Weapons. Also parking MSs for the long haul is inhibited. When you can’t hold them in your hanger or container, selling them at shops or break it down.”
- “Before you break down inessential MSs, please making known people around that you will make the sound of an explosion (from now). If not, they are misled into thinking that is raided by an enemy”